Lets see approx 1.5 miles down an 8% grade to cross the Canadian River, then approx. 1.5 miles back up an 8% grade to the other side. This will be a training ride sometime in the future - a personal milestone in my aspirations to be athletic.
After we finished looking at the poop station, we headed to Las Vegas for lunch - where my colleague (also an old college bud) decided to make it a working lunch. Are you kidding me! All I do is work, work, work - you think I want to work while I'm out of the office on a trip and get to go to a restaurant... Once I transfer to his office, I'll have to kick his butt back down to reality...
Then I headed to Tucumcari via Highway 104. I mentioned this trip last time, but I'm rethinking riding up or down to Trujillo because there is no shoulder and several blind curves, but other than that stretch, I could see me doing some training rides along this road.
After looking at the little house that may or may not be, I headed home to spend a couple of nights with my man by ourselves. He left Saturday and noon with a load to Tucumcari and picked up the boys and brought my babes back to me Sunday. Meanwhile I took a ride near Hope, NM on Saturday, and did my long run (4 miles- long for me you marathoner and ironman freaks) on Sunday. I'm telling you as I'm slowly, and I mean slowly working my mileage up on my running, I'm not liking the running any better. I did 4 miles straight for the first time with no walking on Father's Day and it kicked my butt, I paid for it for a couple of days. This run took me so long, SD called on the cell to make sure I wasn't lying in a ditch. So I did it again this past Sunday, and it was a little better, my pace was a consistent 12min/mile, but I'm telling you when I finish the run and start contemplating about becoming just a cyclist... is just me putting too high expectations on myself to quickly, or the fact that my weight scale keeps telling me that its all for nothing, or the extremely high humidity that we've been experiencing lately, or what!
I'm not quitting, but man is my motivation is being attacked. In other news I actually got 1900 yards in Tuesday night in my swim workout. That is a milestone given my pool predicament. I felt like lead when I got out. Anyway - I finally signed up for the Bottomless Triathlon. I decided to rent a wetsuit for this one, but may be out of luck as the founder of wetsuitrental.com passed away and the company has taken a week off. I'll be lucky if they rent me one on such short notice when they get back online next week. Oh well. I swam in Horsetooth Reservoir last year without one, and didn't freeze to death, plus the air temp here will compensate. I just kinda wanted that little bit of buoyancy since the lake is a bit deep.
I guess that is all I have for now, meanwhile back to my twisty, turny, slippery, scary yet fun life!
P.S. we may (don't have a contract or earnest money yet) have 233 of our 243 acres sold. If this truly happens... means we can list our house and 10 acres, which should sell a lot easier. It also means we can make an offer on the little house, but it all comes down to "Show me the Money!"
Glad to see you posting. If I hadn't been so busy lately, I'd be trying to get ahold of you to find out what is up!
Best wishes with the sale of many acres.
Maybe we should enter an event as a team some time. You could do the bike. I could run. If it's a pool swim, I could do that too, but if it's open water...find someone else! Think about it. :)
Also glad to see a post. I figure people get to it when they can, don't want to bug anyone- but I always enjoy reading!
I do have to correct you, though, you mentioned something about your aspirations to be and athlete- you ARE an athlete, girl, and a TRIathlete at that. Don't sell yourself short just because you're not as fast as you might like to be, you're still out there. I hear you on the running, while I'm not doing any now, I'd like to some day feel like a runner, and maybe enjoy it. But history tells me that's not likely.
Good luck with the house stuff. Take care.
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